System Features

In IntelliTrack, a feature is a property or action that is part of a user role. IntelliTrack contains many features. A complete list of the features is found in the next section, see "IntelliTrack Features". Access to a feature in IntelliTrack is linked to the user role. Each user of IntelliTrack should be assigned at least one user role. Based on the assigned role or roles, a user is able to perform different actions in IntelliTrack.

IntelliTrack Features

Examples of properties in IntelliTrack that are features are "item" and "location." Examples of actions in IntelliTrack that are feature are "Add Item to Inventory," and "Inventory Single Move." A feature in IntelliTrack often has two access levels: Edit and Read-Only. IntelliTrack has many features; they are listed in the System Features table, below.

Note: If a feature option is not available to be assigned to a role, it is because the IntelliTrack license for the logged-in user does not contain access to this feature.

System Features

Feature Name

Available Access

Access Description

No Access

IntelliTrack for BigCommerce


Activate IntelliTrack for BigCommerce in the Plugin Host Utility.

Cannot activate IntelliTrack for BigCommerce.

IntelliTrack for BigCommerce Manual Sync


Activate IntelliTrack for BigCommerce and the Synchronization tab in the Plugin Host Utility.

Cannot activate IntelliTrack for BigCommerce.

Add Item to Inventory


Add an item to inventory at the Add Item to Inventory form. In order for a role to grant access to this feature, the role must also include the Items feature.

Cannot reach the Add Item to Location form.

Asset Documents



Requires access to the Assets feature.

Edit: The Documents tab is visible at the Asset form. Upload and attach documents to an asset record, download an asset document, delete an asset document from the Asset form.

Read-Only: The Documents tab is visible at the Asset form. View the Document tab and download an asset document from it.

Cannot upload documents to an asset.

Asset Inventory


Perform asset inventory in IntelliTrack Mobile.

Cannot perform asset inventory in IntelliTrack Mobile.


Edit and Read-Only

The Assets > Asset Data option is enabled.

Edit: Add an asset-type item to IntelliTrack. Add an asset to an asset-type item. Add an asset to a site-location. Edit asset information. Add, edit, or delete account and condition lookups at the Manage Lookups page. In order to add an asset-type item, the role must also include edit access to the Items feature.

Read-Only: View asset list for an asset-type item.

Cannot assign an item the Asset property. Cannot reach the Assets form from the Manage Items page. Account and Condition Lookups are not displayed at the Manage Lookups page. The Assets > Asset Data option is disabled.


Edit and Read-Only

The Manage > Assignees option is enabled.

Edit: Add, edit, delete assignee information.

Read-Only: View assignee information.

The Manage > Assignees option is disabled.

Barcode Carrier Decode

Edit and Read Only

Edit: the user may add a barcode carrier decode rule to a carrier or shipping method. The system will populate the package carrier and shipping method if the barcode carrier decode rule finds a carrier and/or shipping number match when the tracking number is scanned for a package when it is added to the system.

Read-Only: the system will populate the package carrier and shipping method if the barcode carrier decode rule finds a carrier and/or shipping number match when the tracking number is scanned for a package when it is added to the system.

Cannot add a barcode carrier decode rule to a carrier or shipping method.

Barcode Parsing

Edit and Read-Only

The Portable > Barcode Parsing Rules option is enabled.

Edit: the user may add, edit, or delete barcode parsing rules.

Read-Only: the user may view barcode parsing rules, but may not add, edit, or delete a rule.

The Portable > Barcode Parsing Rules option is disabled.

Batch Device


The Portable > Download Mobile Application option is enabled. User is able to operate the mobile batch application.

Cannot use IntelliTrack Mobile batch.

Batch Processing

Edit and Read-Only

The Portable > Batch Processing option is enabled.

Edit: Ability to edit or delete individual batch transaction; purge uploaded data, and process batch data into the web application.

Read-Only: view uploaded data.

The Portable > Batch Processing option is disabled.


Edit and Read-Only

The Manage > Carriers/Methods option is enabled.

Edit: Add, edit, or delete a carrier record.

Read-Only: view a carrier record.

The Manage > Carriers/Methods option is disabled.

Check In


The Assets > Check In option is enabled.

Check in an asset to its default location (applies to the web application and the mobile application).

The Assets > Check In option is disabled (web application and mobile application).

Check Out


The Assets > Check Out option is enabled.

Check out an asset to an assignee (applies to the web application and the mobile application).

The Assets > Check Out option is disabled (web application and mobile application).

Companies Divisions Sites

Edit and Read-Only

The Manage > Company option is enabled.

Edit: Ability to add, edit, or delete records from the Manage Company page.

Read-Only: View Company, Division, Site information.

The Manage > Company option is disabled.

Consumable Inventory


Perform a physical inventory count of consumable items in IntelliTrack Mobile.

Cannot perform a physical inventory count of consumable items in IntelliTrack Mobile.


Edit and Read-Only

The Manage > Containers option is enabled. The Manage > Containers Type option is enabled.

Edit: Ability to add, edit, or delete records from the Manage Containers page and add, edit, or delete container type information. In order to access the Containers feature, the role must also include the Locations feature.

Read-Only: View container information; view container type information.

The Manage > Containers option is disabled. The Manage > Container Types option is disabled.

Convert Unit of Measure


An inventory unit of measure conversion may be performed on an item found in inventory, when a smaller or larger unit of measure is available for the item. The Convert Unit of Measure icon is available at the Inventory Data page in the web application. In order to use this feature, the Inventory View feature must also be enabled.

The Convert Unit of Measure icon is not displayed at the Inventory Data page.

Custom Titles

Edit and Read-Only

The Tools > Custom Titles option is enabled.

Edit: Ability to change a default title in IntelliTrack.

Read-Only: View custom title information.

The Tools > Custom Titles option is disabled.


Edit and Read-Only

The Manage > Customers option is enabled.

Edit: Ability to add, edit, or delete records from the Manage Customers page.

Read-Only: View customer information.

The Manage > Customers option is disabled.

Delete Reports


The Delete icon is available from the ribbon in the End User Report Designer application, when a custom report is selected. The user is able to delete the custom report.

The user may not delete a custom report. The Delete icon is disabled when a custom report is selected.


Edit and Read-Only

The Depreciation option is displayed at the Division Options\Assets form. The fiscal year end and the partial month convention settings for the division are displayed. The Assets > Depreciation Classes option is enabled.

Edit: Ability to add, edit, and delete a depreciation class; ability to calculate depreciation for all classes or for a specific class. Ability to assign a depreciation class to an asset-type item. Ability to calculate depreciation for an asset at the Assets form\Depreciation tab.

Read-Only: Ability to view depreciation classes. Ability to view the depreciation class for an asset-type item. Ability to view depreciation information for an asset.

The Depreciation information is not available at the Division form\Assets tab. The Assets > Depreciation Classes option is not available. The Depreciation Class field is not displayed in the Manage Items form. The Depreciation tab is not displayed in the Assets form.

Design Label


The Reports > Install End User Report Designer option is enabled.

The Reports > Install End User Report Designer option is disabled.

Design Report


The Reports > Install End User Report Designer option is enabled.

The Reports > Install End User Report Designer option is disabled.

Email Notifications Advanced

Email Notifications Basic


Email notifications are available at the User Preferences page.

Email notifications are not available at the User Preferences page.



The Reports > History option is enabled.

The Reports > History option is disabled.


Edit and Read-Only

The Tools > Install Import-Export Utility option is enabled.

The Tools > Install Plugin Host Utility option is enabled.

Edit: Ability to add and edit data via the Import Export Utility.

Read-Only: Ability to retrieve data lists via the Import-Export Utility.

The Tools > Install Import-Export Utility option is disabled.

The Tools > Install Plugin Host Utility option is disabled.

IntelliTrack for Magento


Activate IntelliTrack for Magento in the Plugin Host Utility

Cannot activate IntelliTrack for Magento

IntelliTrack for Magento Manual Sync


Activate IntelliTrack for Magento in the Plugin Host Utility and the Synchronization tab

Cannot activate IntelliTrack for Magento

IntelliTrack for QuickBooks Desktop


Activate IntelliTrack for QuickBooks Desktop in the Plugin Host Utility.

Cannot activate IntelliTrack for QuickBooks Desktop.

IntelliTrack for QuickBooks Online


Activate IntelliTrack for Quickbooks Online in the Plugin Host Utility.

Cannot activate the Bisquick Online Plugin.

IntelliTrack for Shopify


Activate IntelliTrack for Shopify in the Plugin Host Utility

Cannot activate IntelliTrack for Shopify.

IntelliTrack for Shopify Manual Sync


Activate IntelliTrack for Shopify and the Synchronization tab in the Plugin Host Utility.

Cannot activate IntelliTrack for Shopify.

IntelliTrack for WooCommerce


Activate IntelliTrack for WooCommerce in the Plugin Host Utility.

Cannot activate IntelliTrack for WooCommerce.

IntelliTrack for WooCommerce Manual Sync


Activate IntelliTrack for WooCommerce and the Synchronization tab in the Plugin Host Utility.

Cannot activate IntelliTrack for WooCommerce.

Inventory Adjustment


Adjust inventory at the Inventory Adjustment form. In order to access this feature, the role must also include the Inventory View feature.

The Adjust icon on the Inventory Data page is not displayed.

Inventory Allocation


The Allocate Inventory options for IntelliTrack Inventory are available for the division. Inventory is allocated for picking orders when this feature is used. The allocated quantity is taken into account when adding a line item to a picking order and when adjusting item quantity.

The Allocate Inventory options are not available for IntelliTrack Inventory.

Inventory Asset Mass Move


Perform a mass move of all assets in one site-location to another site-location in the web application and the mobile application.

The Inventory > Move > Mass Move Assets option is disabled (web and mobile).

Inventory Asset Single Move


The Inventory > Move > Single Asset Move option is enabled. Perform an inventory move of a single asset from one site-location to another site-location in the web application and the mobile application.

The Inventory > Move > Single Asset Move option is disabled (web application and mobile application).

Inventory Container Move


The Inventory > Move > Container Move option is enabled. Perform an inventory move of a container from one site-location to another site-location.

The Inventory > Move > Container Move option is disabled.

Inventory Mass Move


The Inventory > Move > Mass Move option is enabled. Perform an inventory move of all items in a container in the web application and in the mobile application.

The Inventory > Move > Mass Move option is disabled (web application and mobile application).

Inventory Single Move


The Inventory > Move > Single Move option is enabled. Perform an inventory move of a single consumable item in the web application and in the mobile application.

The Inventory > Move > Single Move option is disabled (web application and mobile application).

Inventory View


The Inventory > Inventory Data option is enabled. Depending on the Site options, access to this feature allows the user to update portable inventory counts and delete inventoried values.

The Inventory > Inventory Data option is disabled.



The Inventory > Stock > Issue option is enabled. Can process issue order transactions. (Applies to both web application and IntelliTrack Mobile application.)

The InventoryStock > Issue option is disabled. (Applies to both web application and IntelliTrack Mobile application.)


Edit and Read-Only

The Manage > Items option is enabled.

Edit: Add, edit, delete item records in the web application. Add item record in the mobile application.

Read-Only: View items.

The Manage > Items option is disabled.


Edit and Read-Only

The Manage > Locations option is enabled.

Edit: Add, edit, delete location records in the web application. Add a location record in the mobile application.

Read-Only: View location information.

The Manage > Locations option is disabled.



Edit and Read-Only

The Manage > Lookups option is enabled.

Edit: Can add, edit, or delete lookup information in the web application.

Read-Only: View lookup information.

The Manage > Lookups option is disabled.

Lookups Mailroom

Edit and Read Only

The Manage > Buildings option is enabled. The Manage > Lookups option is enabled. Edit: Can add, edit, or delete mailroom lookup information (damages, package types, building, room, and mail stop) in the web application. Read-Only: View mailroom lookup (damages, package types, building, room, and mail stop) information.

The Manage Buildings option is disabled. The Manage > Lookups option is disabled.

Maintenance and Calibration


The Assets > Maintenance and Calibration option is enabled. Add a maintenance and/or calibration order to the system in the web application.

The Assets > Maintenance and Calibration option is disabled.

Mobile Drop Down Lists


The Display drop down lists checkbox is available for each order in the User Preferences form in IntelliTrack Windows Mobile.

The Display drop down lists checkbox is not available for each order in the User Preferences form in IntelliTrack Windows Mobile.

Package Data

Edit and Read Only

The Packages Package Data option is enabled.

Edit: add, edit, or delete a package with a received status.

Read Only: view a package.

The Packages Package Data option is disabled.

Package Deliver


The Packages > Deliver Package option is enabled.

The Packages > Deliver Package option is disabled.

Package Lost


The Lost checkbox in the Add/Edit Package form is enabled.

The Lost checkbox in the Add/Edit Package form is not available.

Package Mass Move


The Move > Mass Move Packages option is enabled.

The Move > Mass Move Packages option is disabled.

Package Receive


The Packages > Receive Package option is enabled.

The Packages > Receive Package option is disabled.

Package Recipient

Edit or Read-Only

Edit access to this feature grants full package recipient access to an assignee. Read only access to this feature grants view access to packages.

No access to package recipient functions.

Package Single Move


The Move > Single Package Move option is enabled.

The Move > Single Package Move option is disabled.

Picking Order

Edit and Read-Only

The Orders > Picking option is enabled.

Edit: In the web application, the user may add, edit, and delete a picking order. Also, the user may process picking order transactions in the web application and mobile application.)

Read-Only: View orders. (The Orders > Picking option in the mobile application is disabled.)

The Orders > Picking option is disabled. (Applies to both web application and mobile application.)

Purge Data


At the Inventory Data page in the web application, the Purge icon is enabled and the user may purge inventory data for the selected site.

The Purge icon is not visible.

Purge Packages


The Purge icon is activated at the Packages Data page in the web application and the user may purge packages that have been lost or delivered. Purge options include all packages and packages by recipient group. The user may also purge associated recipients.

The Purge icon is not visible.

Rapid Check In Out


The Assets > Rapid Check In/Out option is enabled. At the View Labels page, Rapid Check In/Out labels are available. The user may perform a rapid check in or check out from Rapid Check In/Out page in the web application.

The Assets > Rapid Check In/Out option is disabled. The View Labels page does not contain any Rapid Check In/Out labels.



The Inventory > Stock > Receipt option is enabled. Can process receipt transactions. (Applies to both web application and IntelliTrack Mobile application.)

The Inventory > Stock > Receipt option is disabled. (Applies to both web application and IntelliTrack Mobile application.)

Receiving Order

Edit and Read-Only

The Orders > Receiving option is enabled.

Edit: Can process receiving order transactions. (Applies to both web application and mobile application.)

Read-Only: View receiving orders. (Orders > Receiving option in the mobile application is disabled.)

The Orders > Receiving option is disabled. (Applies to both web application and mobile application.)


Edit and Read-Only

The Assets > Reservations option is enabled.

Edit: Reserve an asset or assets to an assignee; available in the web application only.

Read-Only: View asset reservations.

The Assets > Reservations option is not available.



The Retire icon is displayed in the Assets form; the Assets > Retire option is available in the mobile application. Can retire an asset in the web application and in the mobile application.

The Retire icon is not displayed in the Assets form or at the Assets Data page in the web application; the Assets > Retire option is not available in the mobile application.



The Inventory > Stock > Return option is enabled. Can process return order transactions. (Applies to both web application and IntelliTrack Mobile application.)

The Inventory > Stock > Return option is disabled. (Applies to both web application and IntelliTrack Mobile application.)



Enables RFID in IntelliTrack and IntelliTrack Mobile Windows.

RFID is not available in IntelliTrack or IntelliTrack Windows Mobile.

RFID Tracking


Requires RFID. Allows IntelliTrack-RLS integration. The RFID Reader Location column is available in the Manage Locations page. The RFID Reader Location drop-down field is available in the Add/Edit Location form.

IntelliTrack-RLS integration is not allowed. The RFID Reader Location column is not available in the Manage Locations page. The RFID Reader Location drop-down field is not available in the Add/Edit Location form.



The Security > Role Management option is enabled.

Edit: Add, edit, or delete roles from the Role Management page.

The Security > Role Management option is disabled.



The Tools > IntelliAssistant > Setup Assistant option is enabled. Can use the Setup Assistant to add the main company, division, and site to the application. Available in the web application only.

The Tools > IntelliAssistant > Setup Assistant option is disabled.

Unit Cost Tracking


The unit cost tracking option may be turned on for the division. This activates the Track Cost option for an item. When the Track Cost option is on for the item, the item unit cost is tracked for a stock receipt transaction, stock return transaction, or an item receive transaction.

The unit cost tracking option is not available.


Edit and Read-Only

The Security User Management option is enabled.

Edit: Add or edit system users from the User Management page.

Read-Only: View user information.

The Security > User Management option is disabled.


Edit and Read-Only

The Manage > Vendors option is enabled.

Edit: Add, edit, or delete vendor records in the web application only.

Read-Only: View vendor information.

The Manage > Vendors option is disabled.

View Print Label


The Reports > View/Print Bar Code Labels option is enabled.

The Reports > View/Print Bar Code Labels option is disabled.

View Print Report


The Reports > View/Print Reports option is enabled.

The Reports > View/Print Reports option is disabled.

Wireless Device


The Portable > Download Mobile Application option is enabled. The user may operate the IntelliTrack Mobile RF application.

Cannot use IntelliTrack Mobile RF.